Monday, April 30, 2012

Allison’s Success Story

Allison’s Success Story

Allison is a 19 years old female. She had been by many doctors and no one could seem to help her. Finally a doctor referred her to me because he knew I could help her.  She had lot of pain for some so young and so much life ahead of her. Below is a list of musculoskeletal imbalances and symptoms she displayed: 

  • Leaned forward in on the balls of the feet (forward gate)
  • A forward head (upper cross syndrome).
  • A sore and tired back because all of the muscles in the back were constantly firing to pull her back to the center of gravity
  • A dropped left shoulder
  • A dropped right hip
  • A “S” curve in the spine (scoliosis)
  • Vertebrae T8 and T9 were pinching the nerves
  • The spine had a wind in it (twist or spiral)
  • Pain in the spine when she inhaled
  • Excessive low back curve (sway back or lordosis)
  • The vertebrae were to close together on the back side (posterior) of the lumbar spine putting her at risk for bone spurs
  • Bow legged 
  • Internally rotated at the ankles 
  • Inflammation at the outside (lateral) side of the knees
  • The meniscus and cartilage were quickly wearing out on the medial side of the knees
Allison and I worked hard together for 60 sessions. Together we corrected all of her musculoskeletal imbalances. 

On our first session Allison felt her back pain go away (Because I backed the vertebra off from the nerves). Every time she came in she would say, “I feel better and better.” About the 8th session she said, “I feel like you are unwinding me.”  On the 15th session she said, “It doesn’t hurt when I breathe anymore.” We worked hard and it took a long time, but we got her skeletal frame absolutely perfect.

On our last session Allison said, “Thank you Gary! You changed my life and kept me out of surgery. I will never forget you.” It’s was an amazing experience to work with Allison.
Gary Rumel, Corrective Therapist

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Samantha's Success Story

Samantha's Success Story

Samantha is a 55 years old female who had been living with pain for many years. She had the following musculoskeletal imbalances and symptoms that were giving her much discomfort and pain.
  • Forward head (upper cross syndrome)
  • Stiff neck
  • Sore muscles in her neck and shoulders
  • Migraine headaches
  • Hunch back (kyphosis)
  • Excessive low back curve (swayback or lordosis)
  • Vertebrae are too close together on the posterior side of her low back (lumbar)
  • Vertebrae are too close together on the inside of the upper back (anterior side of the thoracic spine)
  • Spine pulled to the right in a “C” shape (scoliosis)
  • Sacrum turned
  • SI joint (SIJ) was hyper mobile
  • With every step she took the SIJ was moving around
  • The muscles in her hips and hamstrings were working very hard trying to stabilize her hips (SIJ) they were pushing on the sciatica nerve causing pain
After lining up and stabilizing the joints her pain and discomfort were gone. Her posture improved.  She now feels and looks so much better.

This was something she had been living with for 15 years. I met Samantha and her husband two years before they finally decided she had enough pain and called me to schedule her appointment. It only took us 12 sessions to solve the problems. It’s sad that she lived in so much pain for all these years. It’s amazing that after 12 sessions (six weeks) we were able to get her out of pain.

Gary Rumel, Corrective Therapist

Friday, April 27, 2012

Joe’s Success Story

Joe’s Success Story

Joe is a 45 years old male. Joe has so many musculoskeletal imbalances it puts limitations on his quality of life. 45 is too young to have all these health issues. Below is a list of his musculoskeletal imbalances and symptoms:
  • Forward head (upper cross syndrome)
  • Stiff muscles in his neck and shoulders
  • Hunch back (kyphosis)
  • Excessive low back curve (sway back or lordosis)
  • Spine pulled to the right (scoliosis) in the low back (lumbar)
  • Bulging discs in L1, L2 and L3
  • Had herniated discs in L4 and L5
  • Sciatica down the left leg
  • Twist in his spine (wined)
  • He was thinking about having surgery to have pins put in his lumbar spine
  • Externally rotated at the hips, knees and ankles
  • Knees where closer together than the ankles (Q angle)
  • Inflammation on the medial side of his knees
  • Wearing the meniscus and cartilage out on the lateral side of his knees
  • Headed towards surgery on the knees. (It’s the combination of hip knees and ankles not tracking right that made the knees so bad.)
  • Flexibility was so bad that he felt like rigamortis had settled in
  • Body fat was 35%
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • He was on pain medications, fatigued and kind of zoned out
He heard about how great Fitworks Corrective Therapy is and called to set up an appointment. When he walked in the door at our first appointment I said, “What’s going on tell me about it?” He said, “Gary, I am done I want to die. I have had it. I am miserable. Can you do something for me Gary?”

I said, “Yes, if you will listen to me and follow me. Turn your health over to me. Joe, we will make you a new man!”

Joe turned his health over to me for three years. Today his body is perfectly lined up and balanced.

Today he is almost unrecognizable from what he was three years ago. His body fat is 12%. His blood pressure is 100/ 65 and his is cholesterol perfect. His flexibility is perfect. He is a new man today!

He is running every day and plays golf three times a week.  He also Scuba dives, bikes races, hikes and he is even on county recreation team playing basketball. He is a new man! He has a new life. Every time he left my office he said. “Gary I feel better than when I came in.” At our last session he said, “Thank you for all you have done for me Gary, I chose life!" 

Gary Rumel, Corrective Therapist
Fitworks Corrective Therapy

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Julie's Success Story

Julie's Success Story

Julie is a 40 year old female who is married and a mother of two children. She was in a car accident many years ago causing her much pain and discomfort. It limited her ability to enjoy live and her family. Because of her car accident she had the following musculoskeletal imbalances:

  • The right second rib was broken at the sternum, which caused a great deal of pain for many years
  • With the pain, she compensated by shifting to her left side causing the left side of her back (thoracic, lumbar) to be over developed
  • The vertebrae became too close together on the right side (posterior lateral) causing bulging discs in L3, L4, L5; which later became herniated
  • The over developed left side pulled the spine to the left creating a “C” shaped spine (scoliosis)
  • She had sciatica pain down the left leg
  • Right dropped shoulder
  • Cold feet
  • Nerve damage
  • The doctors told her that they couldn’t do anything for her except give her medications for pain management
Beside the problems of the car accident she had the additional imbalances:
  • Knees came together (Q angle)
  • Leaned forward with a forward head (upper cross sydrome)
  • Excessive swayback (lumbar curve)

After stabilizing and lining up all of her joints all of her symptoms and problems disappeared. She is now off all of her medications.

I got a phone call from her husband and he said “Thank you, Gary!  I have a new wife you have changed all of our lives. We are doing things we’ve never done before as a family.”

Her 16 year old daughter said, “I have never in my life seen my mom so happy and so full of life, she has become my best friend. Our lives have changed because of you. Thank you Gary!” 
Gary Rumel, Corrective Therapist

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Brian's Success Story

Brian's Success Story

Brian is a 67 year old male and he had the following musculoskeletal imbalances:
  •  Forward head (upper cross syndrome) and leaned forward
  •  Right dropped shoulder
  • Right dropped hip 
  •  Overdeveloped right upper back (thoracic) and lower back (lumbar)
  • Spine pulled to the right creating a “C” shaped spine
  • Vertebra are too close together on the left side which is a risk for bone spurs in the future
  • Bulging discs in L4 and L5 on the left side 
  •  Right lumbar muscles (erector spinae) are over developed and pushing on the sciatica nerve going down the right leg
  • Tight muscles in the neck and low back
  • Tight quads (quadriceps), calf (gastrocnemius), and hip (adductor) muscles
  • Weak glutes, hamstrings and abs 
  •  Knees touched before the ankles touched (Q angle) causing inflammation on the inside (medial) of the knees
  • The pressure on the outside (lateral side) part of the knees were wearing out the meniscus and cartilage
  • External rotation at both ankles caused a fallen arch and put him at high risk of getting plantar fasciaitus (a painful condition on the foot that feels like you are standing on a nail) 
  •  Poor circulation in his feet and legs
After six months of work. Brian made remarkable changes. All his joints lined up. All the pain and discomfort are gone.

“Gary you have changed my life. I’m doing things I haven’t done before.  I’m walking every night.  My golf game is much better and I’m hitting the ball 25 yards further.  I have more energy.  I really feel great! Thank you! Can I still keep coming to see you? I just feel so good!” 

I like that! I love to see someone's life change.

  Gary Rumel, Corrective Therapist

Friday, April 20, 2012

Lucy's Success Story

Lucy's Success Story

Lucy is a 63 year old female with many musculoskeletal imbalances . Below is a list of  imbalances we worked on.

  •  Forward head (upper cross syndrome)
  • Hunch back (kyphosis)
  • Dropped right shoulder
  •  Right dropped hip which pulled the spine to the left
  •  Mobile right SI joint
  • No glutes (flat butt)
  • Jaw fell to the right side so jaw was rubbing on the left inside of the joint (mandrel).
  • Knees came together (Q angle) which caused inflammation on the medial side of both knees and wearing the meniscus and cartilage on the lateral side of both knees.
  • Both ankles fell inward (pronation)

Every time she came in for the next session she would talk about how we have eliminated a new pain in her body and how grateful she was that she found me. 
When all the joints lined up, all of her pain disappeared. 

On our last session Lucy gave me a big hug and with tears in her eyes thanked me for all I have done for her body and health. She also said that lots of men now notice her new cures. Her husband said to me, “Wow! She has a butt and curves. Gary I have a new woman, she is beautiful."

It’s so fun to be a part of those changes in a person’s life. 

Gary Rumel, Corrective Therapist

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Brooke’s Success Story

Brooke’s Success Story

I worked with Brooke, a 21 year old women.  She had an excessive forward head and a hunch back (upper cross syndrome/ kyphosis) with a pitch nerve and pressure at her upper back (T7). She also had an excessive low back cure (lumbar sway back) and she felt a sharp pinch in her lower back (L4).

To add more to her pain she had scoliosis in her back (S curve) and a left a dropped shoulder and a left dropped hip.  Her body was out of balance in most every way.

After 24 sessions her neck is lined up and her forward head was gone.  Her spine is now straight and her shoulders and hips are parallel. She still needs a little more work on her lumbar cure, but 12 more session should do it. 

She was a lot of fun to work with and a very smart. I was really impressed by her intellect. She called me the other day to say that she is now dating a really great guy and said, “He thinks I look like a runway model.” She had never dated anyone before. Helping someone change their life makes me happy and that's why I’m in this business.

Gary Rumel, Corrective Therapist