Monday, April 30, 2012

Allison’s Success Story

Allison’s Success Story

Allison is a 19 years old female. She had been by many doctors and no one could seem to help her. Finally a doctor referred her to me because he knew I could help her.  She had lot of pain for some so young and so much life ahead of her. Below is a list of musculoskeletal imbalances and symptoms she displayed: 

  • Leaned forward in on the balls of the feet (forward gate)
  • A forward head (upper cross syndrome).
  • A sore and tired back because all of the muscles in the back were constantly firing to pull her back to the center of gravity
  • A dropped left shoulder
  • A dropped right hip
  • A “S” curve in the spine (scoliosis)
  • Vertebrae T8 and T9 were pinching the nerves
  • The spine had a wind in it (twist or spiral)
  • Pain in the spine when she inhaled
  • Excessive low back curve (sway back or lordosis)
  • The vertebrae were to close together on the back side (posterior) of the lumbar spine putting her at risk for bone spurs
  • Bow legged 
  • Internally rotated at the ankles 
  • Inflammation at the outside (lateral) side of the knees
  • The meniscus and cartilage were quickly wearing out on the medial side of the knees
Allison and I worked hard together for 60 sessions. Together we corrected all of her musculoskeletal imbalances. 

On our first session Allison felt her back pain go away (Because I backed the vertebra off from the nerves). Every time she came in she would say, “I feel better and better.” About the 8th session she said, “I feel like you are unwinding me.”  On the 15th session she said, “It doesn’t hurt when I breathe anymore.” We worked hard and it took a long time, but we got her skeletal frame absolutely perfect.

On our last session Allison said, “Thank you Gary! You changed my life and kept me out of surgery. I will never forget you.” It’s was an amazing experience to work with Allison.
Gary Rumel, Corrective Therapist

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