Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Laura's Success Story

Laura's Success Story

Laura is a 52 year old female. She is married and a mother of two.  She has the following musculoskeletal imbalances and symptoms.
  • Right dropped shoulder
  • Right dropped hip
  • Left side of the back is over developed pulling the spine to the left causing a “C” shaped spine (scoliosis)
  • External rotation at the ankles
  • Leans forward with a forward head
  • Sciatica pain and lumbar (low back ) pain
  •  L4 and L5 pinching the nerves
  • Headaches
  • Pain in the knees and ankles.
After stabilizing and lining up all the joints the symptoms are all gone.

“Gary, thanks so much. I’m back playing golf again and better than before. I am hitting the ball 25 yards further and my handicap is now two. To top it off I feel ten years younger.” 

I can’t believe how strong she is now and that she is in perfect shape.   
Gary Rumel, Corrective Therapist

Monday, May 28, 2012

Leslie’s Success Story

Leslie’s Success Story

Leslie is a 49 year old female. She is nurse who is married and is a mother of four. She had the following musculoskeletal imbalances and symptoms.
  • Forward head(upper cross syndrome)
  • Pressure on C7 & T9 pushed the vertebra back (posterior)
  • Leaning forward put pressure on the balls of her feet
  • Quadriceps and gastrocs were tight
  • Hamstrings, glutes (butt)  and abs were weak causing tight muscles in the back
  • Right dropped shoulder
  • Left dropped hip
  • Right SIJ was a very unstable and very mobile
  • She were a hip brace to help stabilize her SIJ
  • She was scheduled for surgery
  • Because of sciatica pain she was protecting her right side by shifting to the left causing the left side of her back to over develop and pull the spine to the left causing a “C” shaped spine (scoliosis)
  • External rotation at the hips and ankles (supination)
  • Tight gluteus medius
  • Weak adductors, sartorius and soleus on the medial side was wearing out the meniscus and cartilage in the knees
  • Cold and numbness in the hands and fingers
  • Muscles in the neck and shoulders were stiff and sore
  • Pinched nerves that caused discomfort
  • Tight muscles in the back and sciatica pain
After stabilizing and lining up all her joints, the symptoms went away. 

The other day, she called me after her five mile run. “Gary, thank you so much for changing my life. It feels so good to run again, to play sports with my children, to water-ski and to snow ski. Thanks! I will tell everyone about you.” 

Leslie is a nurse at a hospital. One day at lunch two doctors, four nurses and a front desk worker were talking about all of the problems they have in their bodies: knee pain, mobile SIJ, ankle pain, back and neck pain, hand pain etc. Then someone said that’s funny… They all ended up going to see Gary to fix all of their joint problems. Wow!
Gary Rumel, Corrective Theraphist

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Liz’s Success Story

 Liz’s Success Story

Liz is a 46 year old female. She was in a lot of pain and if she did not fix her imbalances she would have increased pain as time goes by.  Below are a list of symptoms and musculoskeletal imbalances she was experiencing:
  • Forward head (upper cross syndrome)
  • A lot of pressure at C7 were it had moved posterior  
  • Severe headaches
  • When she went to physical therapy she would have increased neck pain and headaches
  • Leaned forward and had too much pressure on the balls of the feet
  • Stiff and sore back muscles
  • Tight quadriceps, adductors and gastrocnemius
  • Weak glutes, hams, trapezius all 4 heads, rhomboids, lats, posterior delts and abs
  • Left dropped hip and a right dropped shoulder
  • Weak left thoracic, lumbar and glute
  •  “C” shaped spine
  • Vertebrae are too close together on the right side which puts her at risk for bone spurs or bulging discs in the future
  • Knocked knees (Q angle)
  • Inflammation in the medial side of the knees
  • Lateral side all of the knees are baring all the weight and pressure
  • Rotation at the knee with each step
  • Wearing the meniscus and cartilage on the lateral side of each knee (this puts her at risk of knee replacements around the age of 60)
  • Weak vastus lateralis (lateral head of the quadriceps)
  • Tight adductors
  • External rotation and pronation at the ankles
  • Plantar fasciitis (The arch is not supported and falls so there is pain on each heel -- pain that feels like you are standing on a nail)
In five months her side view shows her almost perfectly lined up and all the neck and back pain are gone. Her front view also shows the spine as straight as well as the shoulders and hips being parallel.  The Q angle improved and the external rotation in the ankles are gone and no more plantar fasciitis. Wow! I love it when my clients get out of pain. It’s amazing how you can correct a body.

Gary Rumel, Corrective Therapist
Fitworks Corrective Therapy

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Megan’s Success Story

 Megan’s Success Story

Megan is a 15 year old female. She was a young girl with a lot of pain. She had the following symptoms and musculoskeletal imbalances:
  • Left dropped shoulder
  • Scoliosis
  • Wind in the spine pushing the ribcage on the left posterior backwards
  • Hips rotated to the right (amazingly with no nerve restriction)
  • Leaned forward in the gate
  • Thoracic spine was 47 to 49 degrees off
  • Lumber was 48 to 50 degrees off
  • She was scheduled for surgery to have rods put up her spine
After stabilizing and lining up all her joints, all the symptoms are gone and she was removed from the scheduled surgery. 

She told me at one of our sessions at school the teacher asked if anyone could name a muscle in the body and one little boy raised his hand and said. “Biceps!”

Another student said, “Triceps!”

Another said, “Hamstrings!”

 “Wow class! Very good!” the teacher said. “What about you Megan?” 

 Megan said, ”Sternal clavicle mastoid, latissimus dorsi, rhomboids and sartorius.” 

One day when I was in Alpine, Utah I stopped for a sandwich after a meeting. I looked over across the parking lot and saw a chiropractor office. I thought, “I should go talk to him, no I’m too tired.” 

I finish the sandwich and walk to my truck to start it up. I got another impression that I should go talk to him, so I turn the truck off get out and started walking towards his office and stopped. Then I thought, “No, I don’t feel like sales today. I’m burnt out.”

I walk back towards my truck to start it up. Then I got another impression to walk back to his office. So I turn the truck off and went into his office. The lights were off inside and he was sitting at the front counter reading his scriptures. I said, “You don’t know me, but I think you need to hear about what I do.”

I showed him some before and after pictures of how I correct musculoskeletal imbalances. He said that it made sense to him. He told me that there was a 14 year old girl that he has tried everything on and nothing worked.  “I mean everything!”  

He asked if I would like to try my method, but he needed to talk to the parents and get their permission. That’s how my work with Megan started.

Gary Rumel, Corrective Therapist
Fitworks Corrective Therapy

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Mike’s Success Story

Mike’s Success Story

Mike is a 46 year old male. He is married and a father of two children.  He owns his company. He had the following symptoms and musculoskeletal imbalances:
  • Forward head (upper cross syndrome)
  • Stiffness in the neck
  • Headaches
  • Left dropped hip
  • Flat low back (lumbar)
  • Vertebrae too close to each other on the right low back (posterior right side) pinching the nerves and caused bulging discs in L3 and L4
  • Herniated disc in L5
  • Sciatica pain down the right leg
  • Had a hard time standing for me to take a picture for the posture evaluation
  • Standing and talking with someone is painful
  • Played golf with no handicap and had to stop because of pain
  • Couldn’t go into a deep sleep at night because of pain
  • Pain prevented him from lying on his back
  • Had scheduled an appointment for surgery
Mike came in the door saying. “I don’t believe in what you’re doing Gary. Just to be up front, the only reason I’m here is because 53 of my golfer friends are raving about you and what you did for them. I want you to know that I’m still keeping my surgery appointment for next month.”

After lining up all the joints in his body, all his pain and symptoms went away. The surgery was canceled. He is now back playing golf, hitting the ball 25 yards farther and sleeping like a baby. 
Gary Rumel, Corrective Therapist
Fitworks Corrective Therapy

Monday, May 7, 2012

Nancy’s Success Story

Nancy’s Success Story

Nancy is a 60 year old female. She is married and a mother of three. She is an actor in plays, movies and commercials. She had the following symptoms and musculoskeletal imbalances:
Forward head (upper cross syndrome) causing stiffness in the neck 

  • C7 pushed back (posterior) restricting the nerves causing cold and numbness in the hands as well as headaches.
  • Flat-back (flat lumbar)
  • Vertebrae pinching nerves at L4 and L5 on the anterior
  • Left side of the spine was being pulled to the right in the thoracic and lumbar
  • Sciatic nerve pain down the left leg
  • Plantar fasciitis (fallen arch and flat feet) -- The pain felt like a nail being driven in the bottom of the heal.

After lining up all the joints, all her symptoms were all gone. She also had the added bonus of a 14 pounds loss of fat.

At a doctor’s visit for a cholesterol check Nancy’s doctor also followed up on her different aches and pains.

He asked her about her sciatic pain, “All gone, Gary fixed it.” 

The doctor then asked about the pain in her low back. “Gary fixed that too.” 

So the doctor continued and asked about the stiffness in her neck as well as the cold and numbness in her hands. “Gary also fixed that.”

”How are your headaches?” The doctor asked, “Wait -- let me guess, Gary?”  
“Well Yes!” said Nancy.

The doctor continued, “Did Gary fix the plantar fasciitis?” 

“Well yes!” said Nancy. “Gary fixed all of my pain problems, so I stopped taking my pain medications.  I don’t need them anymore.”

Nancy’s husband called and told to me that he liked all the new cures in his wife’s body. He said, “I have a new woman!  She’s gorgeous thank you!” 

Gary Rumel, Corrective Therapist

Susan’s Success Story

Susan’s Success Story

Susan is a 59 years old female who was in so much pain she was unable to do many of her favorite activities.  She had the following symptoms and musculoskeletal imbalances:

  • Dropped hip because of a mobile SI joint
  • Legs bowed out at the knees
  • External rotation at the right knee 
  • Leaned forward in the gate
  • Bulging discs in L4 and L5 
  • Pain around the left hip
  • Sciatica pain down the right leg
  • Pain on the lateral side of the right knee and ACL
  • Pain in the right rotator cuff 

After stabilizing and lining up all of the joints, Susan’s pain went away. She’s now back to speed walking, her favorite thing to do. 

“Thank you Gary for all you have done for me. You gave me my life back.”

Gary Rumel, Corrective Therapist