Monday, May 28, 2012

Leslie’s Success Story

Leslie’s Success Story

Leslie is a 49 year old female. She is nurse who is married and is a mother of four. She had the following musculoskeletal imbalances and symptoms.
  • Forward head(upper cross syndrome)
  • Pressure on C7 & T9 pushed the vertebra back (posterior)
  • Leaning forward put pressure on the balls of her feet
  • Quadriceps and gastrocs were tight
  • Hamstrings, glutes (butt)  and abs were weak causing tight muscles in the back
  • Right dropped shoulder
  • Left dropped hip
  • Right SIJ was a very unstable and very mobile
  • She were a hip brace to help stabilize her SIJ
  • She was scheduled for surgery
  • Because of sciatica pain she was protecting her right side by shifting to the left causing the left side of her back to over develop and pull the spine to the left causing a “C” shaped spine (scoliosis)
  • External rotation at the hips and ankles (supination)
  • Tight gluteus medius
  • Weak adductors, sartorius and soleus on the medial side was wearing out the meniscus and cartilage in the knees
  • Cold and numbness in the hands and fingers
  • Muscles in the neck and shoulders were stiff and sore
  • Pinched nerves that caused discomfort
  • Tight muscles in the back and sciatica pain
After stabilizing and lining up all her joints, the symptoms went away. 

The other day, she called me after her five mile run. “Gary, thank you so much for changing my life. It feels so good to run again, to play sports with my children, to water-ski and to snow ski. Thanks! I will tell everyone about you.” 

Leslie is a nurse at a hospital. One day at lunch two doctors, four nurses and a front desk worker were talking about all of the problems they have in their bodies: knee pain, mobile SIJ, ankle pain, back and neck pain, hand pain etc. Then someone said that’s funny… They all ended up going to see Gary to fix all of their joint problems. Wow!
Gary Rumel, Corrective Theraphist

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