Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Liz’s Success Story

 Liz’s Success Story

Liz is a 46 year old female. She was in a lot of pain and if she did not fix her imbalances she would have increased pain as time goes by.  Below are a list of symptoms and musculoskeletal imbalances she was experiencing:
  • Forward head (upper cross syndrome)
  • A lot of pressure at C7 were it had moved posterior  
  • Severe headaches
  • When she went to physical therapy she would have increased neck pain and headaches
  • Leaned forward and had too much pressure on the balls of the feet
  • Stiff and sore back muscles
  • Tight quadriceps, adductors and gastrocnemius
  • Weak glutes, hams, trapezius all 4 heads, rhomboids, lats, posterior delts and abs
  • Left dropped hip and a right dropped shoulder
  • Weak left thoracic, lumbar and glute
  •  “C” shaped spine
  • Vertebrae are too close together on the right side which puts her at risk for bone spurs or bulging discs in the future
  • Knocked knees (Q angle)
  • Inflammation in the medial side of the knees
  • Lateral side all of the knees are baring all the weight and pressure
  • Rotation at the knee with each step
  • Wearing the meniscus and cartilage on the lateral side of each knee (this puts her at risk of knee replacements around the age of 60)
  • Weak vastus lateralis (lateral head of the quadriceps)
  • Tight adductors
  • External rotation and pronation at the ankles
  • Plantar fasciitis (The arch is not supported and falls so there is pain on each heel -- pain that feels like you are standing on a nail)
In five months her side view shows her almost perfectly lined up and all the neck and back pain are gone. Her front view also shows the spine as straight as well as the shoulders and hips being parallel.  The Q angle improved and the external rotation in the ankles are gone and no more plantar fasciitis. Wow! I love it when my clients get out of pain. It’s amazing how you can correct a body.

Gary Rumel, Corrective Therapist
Fitworks Corrective Therapy

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