Liz’s Success Story
Liz is a 46 year old female. She was in a lot of pain and if she did not fix her imbalances she would have increased pain as time goes by. Below are a list of symptoms and musculoskeletal imbalances she was experiencing:
- Forward head (upper cross syndrome)
- A lot of pressure at C7 were it had moved posterior
- Severe headaches
- When she went to physical therapy she would have increased neck pain and headaches
- Leaned forward and had too much pressure on the balls of the feet
- Stiff and sore back muscles
- Tight quadriceps, adductors and gastrocnemius
- Weak glutes, hams, trapezius all 4 heads, rhomboids, lats, posterior delts and abs
- Left dropped hip and a right dropped shoulder
- Weak left thoracic, lumbar and glute
- “C” shaped spine
- Vertebrae are too close together on the right side which puts her at risk for bone spurs or bulging discs in the future
- Knocked knees (Q angle)
- Inflammation in the medial side of the knees
- Lateral side all of the knees are baring all the weight and pressure
- Rotation at the knee with each step
- Wearing the meniscus and cartilage on the lateral side of each knee (this puts her at risk of knee replacements around the age of 60)
- Weak vastus lateralis (lateral head of the quadriceps)
- Tight adductors
- External rotation and pronation at the ankles
- Plantar fasciitis (The arch is not supported and falls so there is pain on each heel -- pain that feels like you are standing on a nail)
Gary Rumel, Corrective Therapist
Fitworks Corrective Therapy
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