Annette’s Success Story
Annette is a 42 years old female.
She is a physical therapist who is married and is a mother of five. She
has the following
musculoskeletal imbalances and symptoms:
- Right dropped shoulder
- Left dropped hip
- Left side of the back was over developed in the thoracic and lumbar areas pulling the spine to the left causing a “C” shaped spine (scoliosis)
- External rotation at the hips and ankles
- Excessive lumbar curve (swayback)
- Forward head (upper cross syndrome)
- Leaned forward on the balls of the feet
- Headaches and numbness in the hands
After stabilizing and lining up all
the joints. All of her symptoms went away.
She said, “Wow I am a new woman and
I feel ten years younger.”
I was at the dentist office six
months later. The assistant asked me what I did for a living as I told her I
heard a voice from the other booth say, “He is a miracle worker. I have a new
wife and to top it off she lost 25 pounds of fat and gained 10 pounds of
muscle, she looks perfect.”
I said, “Hey, who is that?”
He walked round the divider to meet
me and thank me. I like that!
Gary Rumel, Corrective Therapist
Fitworks Corrective Therapy
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