Charles’ Success Story
Charles is a 21 year single male. He has the following musculoskeletal imbalances and symptoms:
- Forward head (upper cross syndrome)
- Hunch back (Kyphosis)
- T6 vertebra sliding back (posterior) and the vertebra is pinching the nerves causing severe pain
- Bowed legs (knees going out laterally)
- Inflammation on the lateral side of the knees
- Wearing the meniscus and cartilage on the medial side of the knees
- External rotation at the hip and knees so these joints will wear out fast.
- The hips and knees are not tracking right and he may need to be replaced them someday
After 48 sessions all of the joint were lined up and all of Charles pain was gone.
I have never had anyone workout as hard as Charles. He has a personal drive that is fun to see.
“Gary, thank you I feel great in my new body!”
Gary Rumel, Corrective Therapist
Fitworks Corrective Therapy
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